Determining Whether Forgetfulness is simply a matter of Aging or Whether it is the Onset of Dementia Introduction. While some forgetfulness is normal during aging, these concerns can trigger anxiety, especially if the changes in memory are more frequent or impactful....

Speed kills
For those of a certain age, the phrase “speed kills” may have many connotations. But today, we’re talking about the (literal) impact of increased speed limits on pedestrian injuries and deaths.
A 2011 study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, looking back at prior similar studies with update data, concluded:
Results show that the average risk of severe injury for a pedestrian struck by a vehicle reaches 10% at an impact speed of 16 mph, 25% at 23 mph, 50% at 31 mph, 75% at 39 mph, and 90% at 46 mph. The average risk of death for a pedestrian reaches 10% at an impact speed of 23 mph, 25% at 32 mph, 50% at 42 mph, 75% at 50 mph, and 90% at 58 mph. Risks vary significantly by age. For example, the average risk of severe injury or death for a 70‐year‐old pedestrian struck by a car travelling at 25 mph is similar to the risk for a 30‐year‐old pedestrian struck at 35 mph.
Why is that important? Because we regularly have drivers complain that lower speed limits are frustrating… I guess because it takes them two seconds longer to get down your average block. However, if that average block is also used by pedestrians and cyclists, a higher speed limit can bring a higher likelihood of injury or death.
That’s not factoring in how much over the speed limit most drivers typically drive… so if a 20 mph limit really means, say 25 mph, raising that even just 5 mph can double the likelihood of injury or death to pedestrians or cyclists. (That’s also not looking at vehicle design and its impact on injury, a topic for another day.)
So when you hear a clamor from motorists to raise speed limits even a moderate amount, remember that decision has consequences for people who walk or ride amidst those faster-moving vehicles. And if you ride or walk on those roadways, remember that the patience you show behind the wheel can be paid back when you’re a more vulnerable user of that thoroughfare.
Featured in BikeWalkLee newsletter from August, 2021