Safety Council

Engage Estero Safety Council is made of volunteers serving as a voice for the citizens of greater Estero on safety and transportation priorities and issues. We advocate for related solutions to Village, County, and State Government organizations.

Our Mission:

  • Evaluate, prioritize, and monitor the Village of Estero Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and advocate for change on behalf of the citizenry.
  • Develop a Geographic Information System (GIS) for citizen online access to Village CIP items related to roadways, Bike/Ped, and interchange improvements. Access to each CIP project will provide location and cost/schedule information.
  • Solicit and encourage additional citizen participation in support of those projects that improve safety, access, and connectivity in Greater Estero

Our Purpose:

To inform citizens of safety and transportation-related issues, problems, and solutions advocating for community engagement to ensure an improved, safe, and connected transportation network in greater Estero.

Our Values

Values essential to success and longevity:

  • Integrity
  • Open and honest communication
  • Respect for other ideas and expertise
  • Shared responsibility and resources
  • Follow through on what we say we will do
  • Care about what we are trying to achieve
  • Innovation and creative thinking (open to doing things in a new way)

Our Vision:

To have an informed and engaged citizenry that understands and engages in finding solutions to safety and connected transportation network issues and problems.

Transportation Campaigns…


Turning Lanes
Thru Traffic



Lighting and Signals

Traffic Signals

Pedestrians and Bicycles

Bike Lanes

Take Action

None at this time.

We don't have any articles on this topic at the moment.


The Pride That Residents Have For Our Community Shines Brightly

The Pride That Residents Have For Our Community Shines Brightly

The Pride That Residents Have For Our Community Shines Brightly  In September 2020, Engage Estero (formerly the ECCL), as part of FDOT's Adopt a Highway Program, agreed to keep a section of Hwy 41 clear of rubbish and debris. Volunteers from over 40 communities...

Repairing Hurricane Damage?

Repairing Hurricane Damage?

Information You Should Know When Looking to Repair Your Home After Hurricane Ian The ECCL has been working hard to assist families suffering hardship and heartbreak following hurricane Ian. The ECCL, which relies on donations to continue its work, has donated $5,000...

Why Reducing Speed Matters

Why Reducing Speed Matters

Reducing Speed MattersEspecially in Construction ZonesPrepared by Mark Ruset, ECCL’s Co-Chair, Safety and Transportation Council [1] National Safety Council (NSC) analysis of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) https://safer-america.comTo enhance...

Venomous Snakes in Florida

Venomous Snakes in Florida

Venomous Snakes in Florida Know What to Look For With an increasing number of new residents with pets and young children living in greater Estero, the ECCL felt it appropriate to remind them and longer-term residents to be on guard when walking with children or dogs,...

Station 45

Station 45

The New Estero Fire Station 45 Increased Safety for those Living on East Corkscrew Road! The ECCL is pleased to inform you that the building of the new Estero Fire Station 45 located on east Corkscrew is well advanced and should be completed by this fall. Susan...

Bicycle Safety Refresher

Bicycle Safety Refresher

Bicycle Safety A refresher for residents.   (Written by Jodi Walborn, Co-Lead for Worksites and Policy, Blue Zones Project with input from Mark Russet ECCL’s Co-Chair of the Safety and Transportation Council) Safety is a quintessential issue for the ECCL....

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Contact information for local, state and national legislators.


Engage Estero is made up entirely of volunteer residents, businesspeople, and you!


Your contributions protect the voice of Estero residents and enable action before it's too late!