Engage Estero has kicked off the new year with notable achievements that reflect our community's growing enthusiasm and involvement. With remarkable engagement rates and a significant expansion in our subscriber base, we are thrilled to share the positive momentum...
While the Village continues to deal with drainage issues and debris removal in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, city business has resumed. The Planning & Zoning Board (PZB) made two recommendations to Village Council last month concerning re-platting of commercial/retail parcels in Coconut Point and University Highlands. The Design Review Board (DRB) heard several informational presentations, including design plans for two new medical offices. During its Sept. 20 meeting, the Village Council reviewed all nine elements of the Comprehensive Plan.
The next Design Review Board meeting will be Wed., Oct. 11, at 5:30 p.m. The next Planning & Zoning Board meeting will be Tuesday, Oct. 17, at 5:30 p.m., at 5:30 p.m.
An interactive map of these and other developments currently under review can be found on this page:
Farmer’s Market at Estero United Methodist
The board approved a seasonal farmer’s market to operate starting Nov. 1 and running through April 24, 2018, on the property of Estero United Methodist Church. Due to construction at the church, the market will be located near the thrift store north of the church building. Hours will be 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesdays.
University Highlands
The board recommended that Village Council approve University Highlands’ request to re-plat two parcels which are currently vacant. Development plans include a bank on Tract 10A (1.2 acres) and retail uses on Tract 10B (6.37 acres). University Highlands includes a 90,000-square-foot commercial development located on the west side of Ben Hill Griffin Parkway north of Germain Arena and is part of the 812-acre Timberland and Tiburon Development of Regional Impact (DRI).
Coconut Point City Mattress
The board recommended that Village Council approve a request by City Mattress at Coconut Point to reconfigure lot lines to allow construction of a retail furniture store on Lot 2A-1 next to City Mattress. Under the proposal, the City Mattress lot will be increased from 1.23 acres to 1.63 acres, and the furniture store lot will be decreased from 2.14 acres to 1.74 acres.
Links to all presentations made at the Sept. 19 PZB meeting may be viewed on the Village of Estero website here.
Marsh Landing
The Marsh Landing homeowners association is proposing to extend a sidewalk from the clubhouse to the existing sidewalk at the community’s entrance along U.S. 41 just north of Autumn Leaves Memory Care. The proposed six-foot sidewalk would allow Marsh Landing residents to safely walk or bike to the businesses and restaurants in Coconut Trace. This was an informational presentation only.
Estero Dialysis at Corkscrew Palms
Estero Dialysis is proposing to build a 6,592-square-foot medical office within the Corkscrew Palms Planned Development located at 9431 Corkscrew Palms Circle, about 300 feet east of Estero Village Hall. The proposed design features a porte cochere to provide a covered area for patients to be dropped off at the door. The architectural plans include varying roof lines, columns and neutral earth tones. The Board recommended the applicant refine its design to add roof accents and a bench for the grassy area, as well as consideration of a back-up generator for power.
Lee Health Coconut Point
Lee Health is planning to have three, large monument signs on the perimeter roads for the health village it is building at Coconut Point. These would be positioned along U.S. 41 and Coconut Road. Smaller, onsite signs would use the same color scheme and design elements, providing continuity for the $140 million, 163,500-square-foot healthcare campus being built on Via Coconut Point south of the mall.
Genova, a condo community currently under construction at the southeast corner of Corkscrew Road and Via Coconut Point, is requesting architectural modifications to the towers, chimneys and windows in its buildings. The developer also is planning to add two units to Buildings E and F under the approved zoning. The requested changes are mostly internal. Staff recommended a continuance to allow the Village land use attorney to review these deviations from the approved Pattern Book for Genova. A hearing will be scheduled for a future date.
Heartland Dental
Heartland Dental is seeking a development order to begin construction of a 5,520-square-foot building including a dental office and a retail tenant in the Grand Oaks Shoppes at the northeast corner of Corkscrew Road and Ben Hill Griffin Parkway. The applicant has added perimeter sidewalks to the design and has enhanced style elements to the proposed architecture, along with an upgraded public outdoor space. The board voiced concerns about the architecture and landscaping. This application has been continued to the Oct. 11 meeting.
Links to all presentations made at the Sept. 27 DRB meeting may be viewed on the Village of Estero website here.
Consultants from LaRue Planning and Management Services and Johnson Engineering conducted a workshop on the nine elements of the Village of Estero Comprehensive Plan during the Sept. 20 Village Council meeting. These elements are: Future Land Use, Transportation, Housing, Infrastructure, Conservation & Coastal Management, Recreation & Open Space, Intergovernmental Coordination, Capital Improvements and Public School Facilities.
The Comprehensive Plan project kicked off one year ago in September 2016. Public input meetings have been conducted regularly since January 2017. This month, the Planning & Zoning Board will review Future Land Use. The board is expected to present its complete recommendation to the Village Council by the end of the year. Village Council will then schedule a hearing in the December/January timeframe to transmit the finished Comprehensive Plan to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity for its review.
A link to the complete presentation may be viewed on the Village of Estero website here.