Community Health

Engage Estero boasts health* and safety-minded volunteers who think about community health comprehensively with a common desire to improve the overall health of the citizens of greater Estero.

Our Mission:
To Be a think tank for creative ideas about community health and how to impact the health of greater Estero favorably.

  • Develop strategy, plans, programs, partnerships, awareness, and initiatives that improve the health of greater Estero in a meaningful and measurable way.
  • Help define what “health” means to the community and us and engage people around that ideal
  • Organize and engage the community through education, activism, information, creativity, organizational support, and structure recommendations
  • Be the conduit and connection for resources, including but not limited to traditional medical organizations/establishments, wellness groups, fitness groups, medical professionals, and Blue Zone
  • Collaborate with other Engage Councils, community groups, healthcare organizations, and businesses to impact the health and quality of life in greater Estero
  • Investigate opportunities, grants, and financial support for our goals where needed

Our Purpose:

We exist to provide guidance, information, education, and initiatives and engage citizens in efforts that result in healthy options, decisions, and behaviors.

Our Values

Values essential to success and longevity:

  • Integrity
  • Open and honest communication
  • Respect for other ideas and expertise
  • Shared responsibility and resources
  • Follow through on what you say you will do
  • Care about what we are trying to achieve
  • Innovation and creative thinking (open to doing things in a new way)

Our Vision:

We aspire to have greater Estero Recognized As” The Healthiest Community In Florida.”

Health Campaigns…

Lee Health Coconut Point

Laboratory Services
Wellness Center
Primary Care
Specialist Care

Emergency Care

24/7 care
ER Facilities
Urgent Care Options

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*Health is the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity: The World Health Organization, 1948, revised in 1976 to include the underlined text.


New Medicare cards on the way

New Medicare Cards are being mailed. These cards are designed to prevent identity theft. They will not have your Social Security Number. They will come in an envelope that does not have something saying this is your new Medicare Card. Beware of scammers-Medicare or...

Lee Health hiring for Coconut Point facility

Lee Health hiring for Coconut Point facility

Lee Health is currently building a large healthcare facility in Estero, and hiring has begun. A wide variety of jobs will be available, and there is a website just for applicants. Job fields include: Nursing: RNs, ARNPs, LPNs, CNAs...

Nov. 14 Healthcare Committee Meeting

Nov. 14 Healthcare Committee Meeting

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