Determining Whether Forgetfulness is simply a matter of Aging or Whether it is the Onset of Dementia Introduction. While some forgetfulness is normal during aging, these concerns can trigger anxiety, especially if the changes in memory are more frequent or impactful....
Help Preserve Estero’s
Most Important Historic Buildings.
Sept. 12, 2022 Status Update:
The Estero Historical Society requests that we convey their sincere thanks and appreciation to those who recently provided financial support for the restoration of historical buildings at Estero Community Park.
As a result of the ECCL’s appeal on behalf of the Society for donations to help support the historical buildings that are in urgent need of repair, we are pleased to provide the following details:
The Society received $5,760.00 resulting from the ECCL’s recent appeal. In addition, the ECCL contributed $3,000, matched by another $3,000 from the Estero Forever Foundation, totaling $11,760.00.
That is excellent news, but the cost of repairing the decking at the front of one of the buildings will involve around $20,000.
In addition to repairing the decking, the Society also needs funds to ensure the schoolhouse and the historic cottage museum remain in good condition. To secure the Society’s mission to keep historical records safe and maintain its buildings, an ongoing need to create a financial reserve for operational and capital expenditures exists.
The Society asks others to consider joining those who have recently contributed by contributing a one-time or sustaining donation. Whatever you can contribute will be greatly appreciated.
Finally, the ECCL encourages residents of our many residential communities to urge their Community Boards to consider a one-time donation.
All donations are tax-deductible and can be made directly to the Estero Historical Society (a 501c3 organization) by clicking here.
Located in Estero Park, the Historical Society keeps Estero’s essential documents and ensures both residents and visitors are aware of the ongoing changes that have led to the formation of the Estero we love today.
The buildings that Estero’s all-volunteer Historical Society cares for need significant work to save them from decay and disrepair. While members of the Society donate funds to ensure its daily operations, the decking at the front of one of the buildings requires replacing at $20,000. However, the Society also needs additional funds to ensure the schoolhouse and the historic cottage museum remain in good condition.
On behalf of the Estero Historical Society, the ECCL is asking you to donate to ensure the buildings remain in good condition for everyone’s enjoyment.
We suggest a $20.00 contribution, $.05 a day, or any amount you can to help the Society meet its current needs and provide the funds to cover several additional expenses. The ECCL recently donated $3,000, and other organizations have also donated funds. Your donations are tax-deductible.
Please donate to the Estero Historical Society by Sept 15, 2022. You can easily contribute to the Historical Society by clicking here.
Thank you for being so considerate,
The Estero Council of Community Leaders (ECCL)