Education Council

Our Mission

The purpose of the Education Council  is to serve as the voice of the residents of greater Estero to improve the quality of educational programs and facilities. The EC seeks opportunities, offers solutions, challenges threats, and communicates reliable and accurate information to Engage Estero leadership and residents to make informed decisions and encourage community engagement on education issues.

Education Campaigns…

Engage Estero’s current education efforts are spearheaded by our Education Council. Currently we’re working across 4 major Campaigns to ensure that residents of all ages throughout the Village of Estero and Greater Estero are both informed on the state of education in Estero as well as working towards bettering Estero’s education efforts, for both primary school and college.

Lee County Schools

Student Retention
Education Ambassadors
Economic Literacy


Junior Achievement

2-5-8 Educate
Volunteer Recruitment and Training

FGCU - Institute for Entrepreneurship

Business Development
Economic Expansion
Graduate Retention

About Our Schools

Public Schools
Private Schools
Secondary Education

Estero Education Articles

Check back often for news, information, and articles written by Engage Estero and the Estero Education Council about everything related to education in the Village of Estero and the Greater Estero Area. We’re committed to providing up-to-date news and information on everything education and have even partnered with Lee County Schools to provide you information years-ahead on what’s happening in our city.

Junior Achievement Efforts in 2022

Junior Achievement Efforts in 2022

The ECCL taught Junior Achievement (JA) classes in April/May of 2022 to 63 seniors at Estero High School and 55 students in 8th grade at Three Oaks Middle School. Personal Financial Management was the subject taught by three (3) volunteers at the high school totaling...

2022 Essay Scholarship Winners

2022 Essay Scholarship Winners

2022 Estero Essay Contest Three $1,000 Scholarships for Estero High School Seniors.Congratulations to Estero Students Estero Schools ended their year with a burst of activity and awards. Congratulations to the 305 students that graduated from Estero High this year. At...



The ECCL is a proud supporter of all that FGCU contributes to our community. Come experience the ways this University contributes. From training world-famous musicians and arts talents, to the practical development of new, entrepreneurial businesses, FGCU brings in...

Estero High School Assistant Principal Named AP of the Year

Estero High School Assistant Principal Named AP of the Year

The Lee County School District announces David Howdyshell of Estero High School has been named Assistant Principal of the Year. The assistant principal at Estero High since 2017, Mr. Howdyshell previously taught math at Estero and Oak Hammock Middle School. This year...

Act Now: Important School Funding Survey

Act Now: Important School Funding Survey

On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act was signed into law. The United States Department of Education (USDOE) is providing an additional $121.9 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III Fund). These grants will be...

Climate and Education: GECR Quarter 1, 2021

Climate and Education: GECR Quarter 1, 2021

The ECCL wishes you a Very Happy New Year, and we hope that you continue to stay safe and well and benefit from the COVID vaccine "rollout" as soon as possible. We are pleased to provide you with the first of four planned GECR Reports for 2021. Our objective is to...

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