Determining Whether Forgetfulness is simply a matter of Aging or Whether it is the Onset of Dementia Introduction. While some forgetfulness is normal during aging, these concerns can trigger anxiety, especially if the changes in memory are more frequent or impactful....

Cyclist safety is a huge issue in Estero, as multiple deaths have occurred in recent years. The Village is working on a master plan for pedestrians and cyclists, but until those plans are all completed, there are habits that drivers can develop to keep everyone safe.
Ten Tips for Drivers:
- Appreciate Bicyclist Vulnerability
- Know Bicyclist’s Rights
- Adjust that Attitude
- Consider the Benefits of Bicycling — for Drivers
- Spare Them the Right Hook
- Beware the Left Turn
- Give Cyclists 3 Feet of Clearance
- Look Around – but not at your phone
- Look before you Exit your car
- Accept that Cyclists are Here to Stay
Read the full article for drivers at:
Ten Tips for Cyclists:
- Inspect Your Ride
- Follow the Rules of the Road – all of them
- Think of Yourself as Invisible
- Be Predictable
- Be aware of common hazards
- Don’t Assume you’re in a Bike Friendly neighborhood
- Disengage from the rage
- Let Bygones by Bygones
- Keep your Rights in Perspective
- Be a Goodwill Ambassador for Bicycling
Read the full article for cyclists at: