Safety Council

Engage Estero Safety Council is made of volunteers serving as a voice for the citizens of greater Estero on safety and transportation priorities and issues. We advocate for related solutions to Village, County, and State Government organizations.

Our Mission:

  • Evaluate, prioritize, and monitor the Village of Estero Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and advocate for change on behalf of the citizenry.
  • Develop a Geographic Information System (GIS) for citizen online access to Village CIP items related to roadways, Bike/Ped, and interchange improvements. Access to each CIP project will provide location and cost/schedule information.
  • Solicit and encourage additional citizen participation in support of those projects that improve safety, access, and connectivity in Greater Estero

Our Purpose:

To inform citizens of safety and transportation-related issues, problems, and solutions advocating for community engagement to ensure an improved, safe, and connected transportation network in greater Estero.

Our Values

Values essential to success and longevity:

  • Integrity
  • Open and honest communication
  • Respect for other ideas and expertise
  • Shared responsibility and resources
  • Follow through on what we say we will do
  • Care about what we are trying to achieve
  • Innovation and creative thinking (open to doing things in a new way)

Our Vision:

To have an informed and engaged citizenry that understands and engages in finding solutions to safety and connected transportation network issues and problems.

Transportation Campaigns…


Turning Lanes
Thru Traffic



Lighting and Signals

Traffic Signals

Pedestrians and Bicycles

Bike Lanes

Take Action

None at this time.

We don't have any articles on this topic at the moment.


Keep the Streets Clear for Emergency Vehicles

Keep the Streets Clear for Emergency Vehicles

Estero Fire Rescue, San Carlos Park Fire Protection and Rescue Service, and Bonita Springs Fire Control & Rescue District have an agreement for “Closest Unit Response”. This means if an Estero Fire Rescue unit is closer to an incident call in the Vines, they will...

Driving Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility!

Driving Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility!

One of the major causes of vehicular accidents is distracted driving. We have entered the “100 Deadliest Days” - the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day when fatal teen crashes increase dramatically. Parents are the best line of defense to ensure a safe ride!...

Hurricane Safety in 2024

Hurricane Safety in 2024

Hurricane Safety in 2024Local Safety Improvements since Ian.Several hurricane shelters in Southwest Florida have received significant upgrades to increase their ability to handle Category 5 storms, the most dangerous and potentially catastrophic hurricanes. The...

Part 2 Public Concerns &  Future Actions 

Part 2 Public Concerns & Future Actions 

The Engage Estero Public Forum Traffic Congestion in Greater Estero (Written by Allan Bowditch, Engage estero’s Chief Communications Officer) Go to Part 1 Questions and Comments from the Public The Engage Estero team would like to thank all those who attended the...

Part 1 Key Questions Addressed

Part 1 Key Questions Addressed

The Engage Estero Public Forum Traffic Congestion in Greater Estero (Written by Allan Bowditch, Engage estero’s Chief Communications Officer) Introduction The building boom in the Estero area started in 1998 when the airport, Florida Gulf Coast University, Miromar...

Road Safety in Greater Estero

Road Safety in Greater Estero

Road Safety in Greater Estero By Contributing Author, Mark Novitski, and Engage Estero Consultant.  Everyone has their definition of what determines road safety or, conversely, what makes our roads unsafe. In writing extensively about Corkscrew Road, I have...

Sign-Up for Property Fraud Alerts

Sign-Up for Property Fraud Alerts

Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comprtroller Kevin Karnes is now offering an alert notification system for Lee County property owners to reduce fraud. When you sign-up, if a deed, mortgage, or other non-Court official record is recorded in your name, you will be...

Get Involved

Find Your Representatives

Contact information for local, state and national legislators.


Engage Estero is made up entirely of volunteer residents, businesspeople, and you!


Your contributions protect the voice of Estero residents and enable action before it's too late!