Safety Council

Engage Estero Safety Council is made of volunteers serving as a voice for the citizens of greater Estero on safety and transportation priorities and issues. We advocate for related solutions to Village, County, and State Government organizations.

Our Mission:

  • Evaluate, prioritize, and monitor the Village of Estero Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and advocate for change on behalf of the citizenry.
  • Develop a Geographic Information System (GIS) for citizen online access to Village CIP items related to roadways, Bike/Ped, and interchange improvements. Access to each CIP project will provide location and cost/schedule information.
  • Solicit and encourage additional citizen participation in support of those projects that improve safety, access, and connectivity in Greater Estero

Our Purpose:

To inform citizens of safety and transportation-related issues, problems, and solutions advocating for community engagement to ensure an improved, safe, and connected transportation network in greater Estero.

Our Values

Values essential to success and longevity:

  • Integrity
  • Open and honest communication
  • Respect for other ideas and expertise
  • Shared responsibility and resources
  • Follow through on what we say we will do
  • Care about what we are trying to achieve
  • Innovation and creative thinking (open to doing things in a new way)

Our Vision:

To have an informed and engaged citizenry that understands and engages in finding solutions to safety and connected transportation network issues and problems.

Transportation Campaigns…


Turning Lanes
Thru Traffic



Lighting and Signals

Traffic Signals

Pedestrians and Bicycles

Bike Lanes

Take Action

None at this time.

We don't have any articles on this topic at the moment.


The Role of the MPO in Transportation Planning

The Role of the MPO in Transportation Planning

Don Scott, Executive Director, Lee County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), presented at the February 2022 meeting of The ECCL. The MPO is the County’s transportation partnership responsible for transportation planning all of Lee County. The MPO’s mission is...

Golf Cart Safety Fundamentals

Golf Cart Safety Fundamentals

Golf CartSafety FundamentalsJust like professional baseball players who annually attend spring training to work on the fundamentals of the game (ground balls, run-down drills, sliding, hitting the cutoff man), drivers of golf carts will also benefit by brushing up on...

Staying Safe When Days are Short

Staying Safe When Days are Short

BikeWalkLee Column ‘Go Coastal’ The News-Press, December 16, 2021 by Ken Gooderham Just because the days are getting shorter doesn’t mean your lifespan has to do the same. As is often the case as winter and season converge, there has been a spate of cyclist and...

Decreased Tire Life Causes Increased Stopping Distances

Decreased Tire Life Causes Increased Stopping Distances

As residents of Southwest Florida, everyone has experienced those unexpected downpours while driving that some refer to as “liquid sunshine.”  Do you ever consider how big of a role your tires play in giving your car, van or truck the proper braking and handling...

Over a Ton of Litter Collected Since May 2021

Over a Ton of Litter Collected Since May 2021

The ECCL has embarked on a new season collaborating with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to help clean Hwy 41, between the Vines entrance (Breckenridge Road) north of Walmart and south to Coconut Road. During the weekend of November 20th, the team of...

Scooter Safety Tips

Scooter Safety Tips

It appears that the newest fad is the use of electric scooters. As Co-Chairman of the ECCL Safety Committee, I would like to share with you some basic tips for operating your scooter where ever you may ride. Below is a study conducted by The Electric Scooter Guide in...

Roundabout Myths and Tips

Roundabout Myths and Tips

RoundaboutsMyths and How TosThe short video above shows how a multi-lane roundabout works. The sooner you need to turn, the further to the right side you drive.Fact vs. FictionFact: Roundabouts have fewer and less severe crashes, 90% fewer deaths, and 75% fewer...

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