Enjoy the Symphony Orchestra at no cost at U. Tobe Recital Hall at FGCU.
Bring your camera and learn the basics of photography, the best places to snap that perfect photo, and discover unusual plants, buildings and critters that make up the many interesting […]
The Mighty Mussels baseball team are offering Estero residents a special deal on Estero Night at Hammond Stadium. Enjoy the game and post-game fireworks.
Join FGCU's Creating New Theatre class for their devised work Stories of Spoon River based on and including poems from Masters’ Spoon River Anthology. Late April dates also available.
18-year-old American pianist Maxim Lando makes his third bi-annual appearance on the Nisita Series where he has consistently sold out and wowed his audiences with his brilliant performances.
Discussion will touch on behaviors, anatomy and fun facts, as well as differences between the two species. Koreshan State Park
Drop in and create your own stress ball. The stress ball is great for helping to calm your nerves. For ages 11-18. While supplies last.
This hybrid event aims to address the community's economic resilience by readying -- through green measures today -- for the future impacts of climate warming and why Florida businesses should […]
The American Business Women's Association, Imperial River Chapter presents Joanne Ribble, Estero Councilmember, who will provide the "inside scoop" on what's up in Estero.