Garden and Settlement Tour
Koreshan State ParkDiscover the various botanical specimens collected by the Utopian pioneer Koreshans and their specific purpose on this walking tour.
Discover the various botanical specimens collected by the Utopian pioneer Koreshans and their specific purpose on this walking tour.
A panel will discuss key bills and budget recommendations related to planning and growth management, conservation, transportation and water that passed and failed during the 2022 Session, including how legislation […]
Professor Scheppele will address questions including: Why have democratically elected leaders with autocratic aspirations appeared across such a wide array of democratic governments at once? How have they undermined constitutional government […]
The Estero Park Yard Sale will be held from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 26, at the Estero Park, 9200 Corkscrew Palms Blvd., Estero. Vendors will set up […]
Friends of Lovers Key are holding a gourmet dinner under the stars with live music, an auction, and more. The gala benefits educational programs and exhibits at the park.
Bring your camera and learn the basics of photography, the best places to snap that perfect photo, and discover unusual plants, buildings and critters that make up the many interesting […]
Teens make their own photographic blue print and learn how to pursue this art technique on their own. Ages 11-18.
5th Annual run walk is a unique fundraising event through the scenic tropical areas surrounding JetBlue Park, ending with the unforgettable experience of finishing by crossing home plate just days […]