Our Work


Engage Estero builds community by giving residents a way to speak with one voice, air concerns, learn from each other and improve the greater Estero area.

Our Mission

To develop and manage an information-sharing process, including comprehensive and consistent communications and market research initiatives, to heighten awareness of the Engage Estero and its programs, by government officials, Members and other residents of the greater Estero area.

What we’re doing…

Engage Estero builds community through monthly member meetings, unique research and reporting, utilizing a robust mailing list and social media, and by participating in community events and meetings.

Community Campaigns…

Email and social Media

Estero Development Report
Meeting Summaries
Events Notifications
Calls to Action

Member Meetings

Community Reports
Representatives from local government
Committee Reports

Calendar and Events

Events Sponsorship
Event Participation
Community Event Promotion

Research and Reports

Exclusive Research
Growth Statistics
Estero Development Report
Studies to support positions


None at this time.

We don't have any articles on this topic at the moment.


Entrepreneurship Volunteers

Entrepreneurship Volunteers

Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) has established an “Institute of Entrepreneurship (IFE)” that offers an Interdisciplinary Degree. The IFE’s purpose is to provide students from all disciplines and veterans the opportunity to create new products and services. IFE’s...

Call for Volunteers – Lee County Schools

Call for Volunteers – Lee County Schools

he Village of Estero and Lee County Schools leadership signed a Memorandum of Understanding committing to assuring that our students are well-prepared to enter the workforce, and to encourage the “best and brightest” to keep their talents in Southwest Florida....

Get Involved

Find Your Representatives

Contact information for local, state and national legislators.


Engage Estero is made up entirely of volunteer residents, businesspeople, and you!


Your contributions protect the voice of Estero residents and enable action before it's too late!

Sign up to receive emails on important and urgent issues facing Estero.

Join the Movement

Protect Your Voice

Engage Estero provides action alerts, community news, and regular reports on issues affecting the quality of life in the greater Estero area. Sign up to be on the list.