On October 29, the Village Councilors, Management, Company Developers, and Planners invited residents to a meeting to listen to suggestions for the various options for the area north and west of Williams Road and Via Coconut. This is where the former driving range was...
Education Articles
The Future Plans for our Schools and Students’ Education in Greater Estero
The Future Plans for our Schools and Students' Education in Greater EsteroBrought to you by the Engage Estero...
LEAD Estero sponsors “Leadership Summer Camp at FGCU” for High School Students
Sponsored by Engage Estero, LEAD Estero develops “Leadership Summer Camp at FGCU” for High School Students“Students...
Education Newsletter: June 2023
Our June 2023 Education Newsletter covers Principal Gunderson’s retirement, Essay Scholarship Winners, and JA programs held this year.
Health and Safety Issues: GECR Quarter 2, 2022
Important Health and Safety Issues in the Greater Estero Area The ECCL is pleased to provide the second quarter’s Greater Estero Community Report (GECR) for 2022. Each of the articles contained in the report focus on aspects of importance in our area. We discuss:...
Exceptional Talent in Estero: GECR Quarter 1, 2022
Exceptional Talent in the Greater Estero Area The ECCL is pleased to provide the 1st quarter’s Greater Estero Community Report (GECR) for 2022. Each of the articles contained in the report focus on aspects of cultural talent in our area. We discuss: World Class...
The ECCL is a proud supporter of all that FGCU contributes to our community. Come experience the ways this University contributes. From training world-famous musicians and arts talents, to the practical development of new, entrepreneurial businesses, FGCU brings in...
Estero High School Assistant Principal Named AP of the Year
The Lee County School District announces David Howdyshell of Estero High School has been named Assistant Principal of the Year. The assistant principal at Estero High since 2017, Mr. Howdyshell previously taught math at Estero and Oak Hammock Middle School. This year...
Economic Progress: GECR Quarter 4, 2021
Economic Progress in the Greater Estero Area The ECCL is pleased to provide the 4th quarter’s Greater Estero Community Report (GECR) for 2021. Each of the three articles contained in the report focus on aspects of economic progress in our area. Please take this...
Act Now: Important School Funding Survey
On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act was signed into law. The United States Department of Education (USDOE) is providing an additional $121.9 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III Fund). These grants will be...
2021 Scholarship Winners
2021 ECCL Scholarship AwardeesGroup photo: Left to right: Mike Wasson, Blake Chapman, Pamela Mueller, recipient Brian Robinson, Gail Langner, recipient Mary Sue Burun, Vicki Risko and Mark Novitski. ECCL, Estero Historical Society, and Estero Chamber of Commerce...
Climate and Education: GECR Quarter 1, 2021
The ECCL wishes you a Very Happy New Year, and we hope that you continue to stay safe and well and benefit from the COVID vaccine "rollout" as soon as possible. We are pleased to provide you with the first of four planned GECR Reports for 2021. Our objective is to...
Amy Kuchenbecker: “ECCL Volunteer of the Year 2020”
“You never spend more money than you make! You never spend more money than you make!” This enthusiastic chant is performed often and quite loudly in every one of Amy Kuchenbecker’s Junior Achievement (JA) sessions at Three Oaks Middle School. Making 8th graders, a...