Engage Estero has kicked off the new year with notable achievements that reflect our community's growing enthusiasm and involvement. With remarkable engagement rates and a significant expansion in our subscriber base, we are thrilled to share the positive momentum...
The monthly Membership Meeting of the ECCL was held virtually on Friday, 9/11 at 10 am.
Pres. Jim Gilmartin welcomed the participants and Mark Novitski led a moment of silence in memory of 9/11.
Chief Scott Vanderbrook of Estero Fire Rescue spoke of budget concerns. The millage will remain at 3.3% but property values have declined. The new developments heading east on Corkscrew may affect this, so the June 1 report may be rosier.
Architectural & engineering services for Station 45, to serve those eastern developments, have been contracted, with contract management and construction company to follow.
Drive-through Covid testing is not being done to safeguard first responders. If a gated community can guarantee 40 participants, a drive-through at that community may be scheduled. Smoke detector replacement has been discontinued due to Covid concerns.
$30,000 has been set aside for Covid tests and supplies.An application will be made for possible reimbursement of these funds.
Ruth Watkins, of Calusa Waterkeepers, reviewed the history and current situation of the 193,000 acre watershed service area . She reviewed past development of the Outstanding Florida Waterway designation and specific indicators of water safety regarding fecal bacteria. Testing at several sites along the five tributaries is discouraging, with the counts of bacteria, measured in colonies per 100 milliliters well above what considered a significant health risk. More testing is needed to determine the sources of the bacterial load.
FGCU is actively working to determine the sources of human and wildlife contribution.
She encouraged communities to develop a policy pledge regarding run-off and offered suggestions regarding disposal of pet waste, fertilizer usage and use of native vegetation.
There was discussion of toxic algae and its effect on neurological diseases such as ALS and Alzheimers.
Pres. Gilmartin Discussed the Executive Management Team, announcing Allan Bowditch as Chief Communications Officer.
Mark Novitski reviewed distribution of CARES Act funding, survey of potential uses for Estero on the river property, and development of a commercial database,