With the dedication and effort of Estero volunteers, 520 pounds of bagged litter was collected along Highway 41 during the weekend of Dec 14th. Since October, 1,820 pounds (almost 1 ton) of litter has been collected. The volunteers that helped in this month’s clean-up...
Corkscrew Road
Corkscrew Road Widening – Ben Hill Griffin to East side of Bella Terra
The road widening and related utilities movement, Lee Department of Transport’s (LDOT’s) contractor, nears completion with Phase 1 (from Ben Hill Griffin Pkwy. to Bella Terra Blvd.). Starting in early 2025, the Village of Estero will install shared-use paths, lighting, and landscaping. Once a contractor has been selected, the Village of Estero’s efforts are projected to take 6 – 9 months. However, long lead time items (e.g., streetlight poles) may extend the timeline.
The shared-use path has been installed in front of the Rivercreek Development. The Village collaborated with LDOT to design the streetlights from Ben Hill Griffin to the eastern edge of Bella Terra similarly.
Lee Department of Transportation (LDOT) is installing traffic monitoring devices along the route. LC DOT will be able to monitor and adjust traffic signals from the traffic control center.
Rivercreek development, WildBlue commercial, and eventually WildBlue development will fund a traffic signal at Estero Crossing Blvd and WildBlue Blvd. There is no estimated installation date (November 16, 2024).
This intersection did/does not justify a traffic signal at this time. The below helps us understand the traffic signal warrant process. What is a signal warrant? A warrant is a condition that an intersection must meet to justify a signal installation. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) specifies nine “traffic control signal needs studies”, known as warrants. Warrants provide the justification we need to determine if a traffic signal is the right solution. Warrants prevent unnecessary traffic signals from being installed. It is difficult to have signals removed later when they are deemed unwarranted.
There are nine warrants outlined in section 4C.01 of the MUTCD.
Mark Novitski
01 An engineering study of traffic conditions, pedestrian characteristics, and physical characteristics of the location shall be performed to determine whether installing a traffic control signal is justified at a particular location.
02 The investigation of the need for a traffic control signal shall include an analysis of factors related to the existing operation and safety at the study location and the potential to improve these conditions and the applicable factors contained in the following traffic signal warrants:
Warrant 1, Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume
Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume
Warrant 3, Peak Hour
Warrant 4, Pedestrian Volume
Warrant 5, School Crossing
Warrant 6, Coordinated Signal System
Warrant 7, Crash Experience
Warrant 8, Roadway Network
Warrant 9, Intersection Near a Grade Crossing
It is important to understand that securing a single or multiple warrant does not require the installation of a traffic signal. Securing a warrant merely permits an engineer to determine whether a traffic signal should be installed. The final decision is made based on the judgment of a traffic engineer.
Corkscrew Road Widening – East side of Bella Terra to Alico Road.
The $26.6 million contract is with Bergeron Land Development. Construction began in the first quarter of 2024 and is expected to be completed in the summer of 2026.
The traffic signal at Corkscrew Rd and Alico Rd is anticipated to be operational in Spring 2025.
We hope more traffic signals on Corkscrew Rd will decrease truck traffic, as stopping and going is not fuel-efficient. We expect trucks to travel on Alico Rd.
Other Corkscrew Rd widening projects (from the MPO Transportation Improvement Plan)
Other Estero Road Developments of Note
Traffic signal at US 41 at Pelican Colony Blvd
On Monday, October 14, 2024, Mr. Randy Weng, FDOT Permits Manager, reported, “Comments went out to the engineer of record on 9/16, no response yet.
On Thursday, Aug 15, 2024, at 1:54 PM, Weng, Randy <Randy.Weng@dot.state.fl.us> wrote:
“The engineer (of record) has submitted a response to comments, updated plans, and calculations. The permit will be in the review process for the next 30 days, and then the engineer will receive updated comments to respond to until the department has accepted the final design. No timeline is available at this point.
The engineering firm for Oak Creek Development submitted the required documents on Wednesday, August 14, 2024. Village Vice Mayor Ribble contacted Ned Dewhirst, who responded, “… he is checking with his engineer.”
This intersection did/does not justify a traffic signal. The surrounding communities/developers/CDDs are required to pay for the signalization.
Williams Road Widening
Williams Road is currently a two-lane road. Development of the North Point property, located north of Williams Road between US 41 and Via Coconut Point, is expected to widen Williams Road from the existing two lanes to four lanes from US 41 to Via Coconut Point.
Kisinger Campo & Associates was awarded the contract for the preliminary engineering and design of the Williams Road widening project. Currently, there is no estimated construction start date.
On Wednesday, October 16th, 2024, the Village Council identified this project as a second-tier priority for the 2025 fiscal year.
Sandy Lane Bike-Ped.
The plan calls for a crosswalk at Corkscrew Road; a 12-foot off-road concrete bike/ped path in those areas where possible, reduced to an 8-foot path was necessary; a pedestrian bridge over the Estero River; lighting; grasses and water tolerant plants in the swales, and a variety of trees and shrubs along the pathway.
The Village’s consultant is nearing completion of the project’s design and is working to obtain the permits required to build it. The construction start date is TBD.
US41/ Williams Road / Atlantic Gulf Intersection Improvements (Williams Rd West Roundabout)
Construct roadway intersection improvements on Williams Road east of US-41 to prevent illegal left turns out of the Walgreens parking lot and improve left-turn vehicle stacking at US-41. Potential improvements include extending the eastbound left turn at US-41, installing a traffic separator to prevent left turns out of Walgreens and Atlantic Gulf Drive, and constructing a roundabout at Life Care Center.
On Wednesday, October 16th, 2024, the Village Council identified this project as a first-tier priority for the 2025 fiscal year. Currently, there is no construction start date.
River Ranch Road – Roadway Improvements
They are resurfacing and widening to add 1-ft shoulders, sidewalks, crosswalks, and Drainage improvements.
River Ranch Road Improvements—Roadway, drainage, and bicycle/pedestrian improvements along River Road will include the Williams Road Intersection roundabout and Estero High turn lane improvements.
This is in the Village’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).
Coconut Road West 3 Roundabouts
The Coconut Road Traffic Study recommends installing three roundabouts (Coconut Shores, Meadowbrook, and El Dorado) along Coconut Road, west of US-41. The Study indicates that the existing intersection will reach capacity in 2028. As traffic along Coconut Road increases with future development, making southbound left turns (the predominant movement at each intersection) onto Coconut Road will become more difficult.
The Coconut Shores, Meadowbrook, and El Dorado entrances are expected to fail. Roundabouts were recommended to improve these intersections, allowing vehicles and pedestrians to cross Coconut Road more safely.
This is government bureaucracy at its worst. The Village of Estero owns the majority of Coconut Road west of US41. Lee County owns a small section of the road. Just before the Village of Estero was established in 2014, the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort and Spa agreed to be incorporated into the City of Bonita Springs. The area, previously known as Weeks Fish Camp, was also incorporated into the City of Bonita Springs. Any road impact fees associated with The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Estero Bay, being constructed now are collected by the city of Bonita Springs.
Besides the nightmare of 50-100 heavy trucks daily transiting Coconut Rd supporting the construction of the Ritz-Carlton Residences, Estero Bay, the residents of the above three communities live with dangerous intersections. These heavy trucks prematurely tear up the road.
There is no land (right of way) to acquire and widen Coconut Rd.
The City of Bonita Springs, the Village of Estero, and LDOT have not agreed to share the cost of building the three roundabouts. The Village CIP has identified the three Coconut Rd Roundabouts.
Access to Estero Community Park from Via Coconut Rd
When the Genova development on Via Coconut and Corkscrew Rd was approved by the Planning, Zoning, and Design Review Board and the Village Council, the developer was required to provide $100k for the main entrance to Estero Community Park and Estero Recreation Center. The developer provided the funds to the Village, which booked them as their general funds (to be used later).
Unfortunately, the Lee County Parks and Recreation Department is not interested in creating the main entrance off Via Coconut Rd.
There is a safety issue as cars turning left (westbound) onto Corkscrew Rd from the community park, Estero Historical Society, and office park are risking their lives getting on Corkscrew Rd.
There is no plan for a traffic signal at Corkscrew Rd to facilitate safe westbound turning.
Traffic signal at Sweetwater Ranch Rd and Fountain Lakes Blvd
This intersection did/does not justify a traffic signal. The warrants do not justify the signal. If the surrounding communities/developers desire a fully operational traffic signal, they must fund the installation.
There are currently three lanes north and south of US 41, flashing yellow-only traffic signals. Realizing the poles and crossbars are sufficient to span the three lanes north and south, new crossbars on the side streets and new signal heads may be required. Additional crosswalks and crossing signalization, etc., could also be required and would need to be wired with cameras for signalization and fiber to be connected to the LDOT control center.
With rough estimates, I’ve heard that installing a new traffic signal will cost nearly $1.5M. When asked if any cost savings would arise from using the infrastructure (flashing yellow signals, poles, etc.) in place, Jillian Scholler, PE, Deputy Director, Lee County Department of Transportation, replied: “The ability to re-use any of the existing structures or equipment would depend on the original design and current condition of that existing structure/equipment. If the existing signal structures/equipment are in good condition and designed to support the signal equipment needed for a full signal, then there is a cost-saving opportunity. The cost savings are very specific to the details of the actual location, though, so I can’t give you any general estimate of how much that would be.”
Access to Estero River Park from US41
The infrastructure contract awarded identifies access to the Estero River Park from US41 on County Rd. Where County Rd and Highlands Ave meet, there will be gated access to the Estero River Park. County Rd will be required to be upgraded.
Septic to Sewer conversion Road work
As various phases of the Utilities Expansion Program are undertaken, roads will be impacted during construction and require repairs and improvements. In addition, curbs, gutters, storm drains, and sidewalks may be constructed.
Other Related Transportation Efforts:
Alico Rd widening – To prepare for county population growth, Lee County is designing the extension of Alico Road. This new roadway will connect with the existing Alico Road at the Green Meadow Road intersection and travel east and north to connect with SR 82 at the Sunshine Boulevard intersection.
Lee County Board of County Commissioners Action and Other History
“On June 1, 2021, the Board awarded Johnson Engineering, Inc. a contract to design and permit the Alico Connector roadway from Airport Haul Road to State Road 82. The contract included the design and permitting required to widen the existing two-lane section of Alico Road from Airport Haul Road to Green Meadow Road to four lanes, along with the design of a new roadway connection from Green Meadow Road to the north and east to State Road 82 (at its intersection with Sunshine Boulevard) then widening the existing two-lane section to four lanes north to 40th Street.
On April 19, 2022, the Board awarded a change order to the existing Alico Connector contract to Johnson Engineering, Inc. to add the design and permitting of a widening of Sunshine Boulevard from its current terminus at 40th Street north to 23rd Street from the current two-lane configuration to a four-lane divided roadway.
On January 17, 2023, under Administrative Agenda Item 3, the Board approved and adopted the Alico Road Connector Phase I Widening Analysis, which evaluated improvements to the project based on five primary factors.
On February 21, 2023, under Administrative Agenda Item 2, the Board selected the south alignment option presented in the widening analysis for the Alico Road Connector Phase I Widening Alico Road Extension From Green Meadow Road to State Road 82/Sunshine Boulevard.”
Construction of Phase 1 is scheduled to begin in Spring 2025. Jennifer Dorning stated, “A public meeting for phases 2 and 3 of the project is scheduled for Thursday, November 21, 2024, from 5 to 7 p.m. at Veterans Recreation Center in Lehigh Acres. I will be sure to send you information when it is announced.”
Jennifer Dorning, AtkinsRéalis
Three Oaks Extension – Alico Rd to Daniels Pkwy
Jennifer Dorning stated: “Procurement Management obtained bids for the project ‘Invitation to Bid B230041KLB, Three Oaks Extension – Phase 1.’ On the February 3, 2023, bid deadline, Procurement Management received three (3) submittals. After analyzing the bid submissions, Wright Construction Group, Inc. was determined to be the responsible bidder with the lowest responsive bid.
Staff recommends awarding a contract to Wright Construction Group, Inc. for $26,843,745.56. This project includes constructing a four (4) lane arterial roadway extension from the north end of Three Oaks Parkway northward, approximately 2.5 miles. The project includes a new bridge crossing, drainage improvements, two (2) on-road bike lanes, an 8’ concrete, 6’ concrete sidewalk, street lighting, and utility relocations and improvements.”
Phase II is expected to be completed in Spring 2026.
Via Coconut Point connector to Old US 41
Although the Village of Estero has identified this effort in its CIP, the City of Bonita Springs is not interested in the project.
County Rd 951 east of Corkscrew Rd
Don Scott, Lee County MPO Executive Director, indicated, “… the 951 (North-South connector east of Corkscrew Rd) feasibility study report will be ready in late winter or early spring 2025.”
It has been suggested that this might be a candidate for a toll road. A State/Federal partnership would likely be required!
Communities along East Corkscrew are not interested in this roadway! Many believe it should be located far east in Collier County, where Immokalee Road would connect somewhere around the State Rt: 82 and Corkscrew Rd intersection.
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