Determining Whether Forgetfulness is simply a matter of Aging or Whether it is the Onset of Dementia Introduction. While some forgetfulness is normal during aging, these concerns can trigger anxiety, especially if the changes in memory are more frequent or impactful....
The ECCL thanks everyone who joined the approximately 400 Estero and Bonita Springs residents by sending a thoughtful letter of support for the Lee Health Coconut Point hospital Certificate of Need.
Lee Health included your letter along with all the others in their 1,024 page application. In addition they cited many comments from your letters to demonstrate the unmet healthcare needs of the community.
I am no expert but it looks to me like Lee Health has put together an outstanding application. The linked Executive Summary is indicative of that quality.
On June 1 the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) will decide between the competing applications of Lee Health and the Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) or it can deny both applications. No matter what AHCA decides any of the parties can appeal the decision.
Thanks once again for your help. In all likelihood we will be reaching out to you again after June 1st.
Don Eslick
Chairman, ECCL