Protecting Your Voice




Engage Estero serves as to inform, educate, and act on issues threatening the quality of life in the greater Estero area.

Public Forums and Meetings

Engage Estero has hosted public meetings with local decision-makers and experts to update residents and to provide an environment for questions and answers. Topics included so far include development, education, water quality, healthcare and more. Our community and membership meetings are always open to the public and we actively seek to provide informationon topics our residents care about most.

Protected the DR/GR

We collaborated with Lee County, environmental groups and developers to negotiate environmentally reasonable means of developing Corkscrew Shores in the DR/GR.

Incorporation of the Village of Estero

We coordinated all efforts resulting in the successful vote for the establishment of the Village of Estero. Work included initiating the feasibility study and charter and conducting public workshops to inform the community about the benefits of incorporation. We still advoate for improved services within the Village structure.

Averted 951 Interchange

The removal of CR 951 and Coconut Road interchange from the 2035 Transportation Plan due to its placement in environmentally sensitive lands.

Transportation victories

Our actions led to accelerated funding of the widening of Corkscrew Road east of I-75. Prevented funding of CR 951 between Bonita Beach Road and Alico Road between the Stonybrook and Wildcat Run communities through the Grandezza community.

Sponsor 2023 Breaking Par Gala

The LEAD Estero event which generated $106,000 Net Proceeds used for: 

  • $25,000 FGCU Endowment Fund
  • Held week-long Entrepreneur Leadership Camp at FGCU with 18 High School Students participating.
  • Provided 4 additional $1000 Scholarships in 2023 and more to come. 
  • Additional donations to various local student charities. 
  • Since 2013 Breaking Par has totaled $561,000 in net proceeds all for the betterment of education. 

Estero Historical Society Deck

Engage Estero donated $3,000 as an organization, and executed a fund-raising campaign that garnered over $20,000 to replace the ADA deck that provides access to both historical buildings.

Development of the Coconut Mall

We implemented high-quality design and architectural standards, including landscaping designs, in the original Estero Community Plan, which resulted in the one-of-a-kind Coconut Point Mall.

Estero Community Plan

We contributed to the update of the Estero Community Plan to protect the quality of life of the community.

We contributed to stopping the I-75 flyover overpass

Joining with other civic groups, we thwarted the construction of an I-75 flyover east of Coconut Road, avoiding disruption, additional noise, and potential loss of property values for several Estero Communities.

Defeated mining on Corkscrew Road

We helped convince the Lee County Board to deny permits for three major mines on Corkscrew Road. Mines impair adjacent wetlands, which protect us from flooding and further contaminating Estero Bay. Teaming up with our rural neighbors, we stopped our roads from being traveled by thousands of dump trucks.

We collect survey opinions

Our assistance resulted in the collection of 1,000 responses to the Estero needs assessment, and we shared the survey results with the Estero Village Council.

Secure Volunteers

Helped Lee County Schools to secure volunteers, implemented Junior Achievement programs in five Estero area schools, and to mentor students and veterans at Florida Gulf Coast University’ Institute for Entrepreneurship. We also provided volunteer “grandparents” to provide a listening ear and support for local students.

Prepared a Transition Book

Prepared a Transition Book to assist the new Village Council members as they took on the responsibilities transferred to them on March 17, 2015.

Monitor Planning and Zoning Matters

Communications to over 10,000 households significantly increased citizen participation in the Village’s Planning and Zoning Board and Design Review Boards activity.

Controlled Noise

We collaborated with the Grandezza Community and Lee County to minimize adverse noise and visual impacts of university community development south of FGCU.

Protect the Environment

We keep residents apprised of projects impacting our water quality and quantity, as well as area wildlife. Our targets included Estero on the River, Hertz Arena’ Weeks Fish Camp, and residential development and mining proposals in the Density Reduction/ Groundwater Resource area along east Corkscrew Road, inside and outside the Village boundaries.

Share Information on Healthcare Developments

We supported the development of Lee Health Coconut Point. We provided regular updates on the progress of the 172,000- square-foot Healthcare Village that opened on December 3, 2018.

Team up with Other Community Groups

Using our communication capabilities, we collaborate with community organizations, like the Koreshan State Historic Site, the Estero Historic Preservation Citizens’ Committee, and the Estero Art League, to strengthen their effectiveness.

Issue Warnings About Tropical Storms

At the Village’s request, we help inform residents about storm preparedness and emergency contact information in the event of a hurricane.

Sponsor Meetings as a Clearinghouse for Ideas

Engage Estero’s community and business representatives and the public participate in monthly meetings, unencumbered by Sunshine Law restrictions that can hobble Florida government bodies.

Extended Hours at Bonita Community Health Center

Engage Estero worked to extend the hours at the Bonita Community Health Center to better serve residents until the 24/7 emergency department was available in Estero.

We harness the Experience of Residents

Engage Estero members have decades of experience in governmental and civic matters that communities and citizens can access to guide Estero’s future.

Annual Scholarships to Students

Engage Estero, the Estero Historical Society, and the Greater Estero Chamber of Commerce presented $1000 Scholarships on May 4, 2023, at the Seniors Awards Night at Estero High School Auditorium. Winners were based on student-submitted essays.

Original Research & Reports

Engage Estero compiles and publishes original research on important local issues throughout the year. The quarterly Greater Estero Community Report digs deep into important issues such as healthcare, education, development and the environment. We also keep an ongoing record of developments that will affect our area. Our councils publish informative articles to educate and update residents. 

“The future of Estero depends upon its residents being aware of planned changes, making their voice heard, and ensuring the Village continues in the direction desired.”

Our Impact – Healthcare

Engage Estero spent years supporting and assisting the opening of a 24/7 emergency department in Estero, which debuted in December 2018. We continue to support the establishment of a hospital within the Village, and mobilized over 400 letters of support to that end in 2018.

Our Work

The availability of quality healthcare, particularly emergency care, has been a core value of the Estero Council of Community Leaders for the last decades. Engage Estero proactively lent support at the right moments; foresaw and addressed potential hurdles; and continues to work closely with others with the same goal.

Our Impact – Environment

Engage Estero mobilized around 300 residents to attend a County Commission hearing regarding limerock mining approvals in 2019. We helped pass “Yes on 20/20” with an 84% approval rate, and encouraged and publicly supported the purchase of Estero on the River by the Village.

Our Work

Water quality, wildlife habitat, and the preservation of open space in Estero has been top priority since the early days of Engage Estero. We monitor and alert residents of proposed new mines, developments in the DR/GR, and public space planning, so residents’ input can be heard before a decision is made.

 Our Impact – Education

Engage Estero recruited more than 150 volunteer Education Ambassadors who team-taught 2,662 students at four Estero-area schools in during 2 years before impact of COVID pandemic in the Spring of 2020.

Our Work

The Engage Estero Education Council works with local schools to develop and  retain economically literate students.

Our Impact – Development

Because Engage Estero volunteers monitor development requests at the earliest stages, we were  able to mobilize over 400 objections to a proposed bright yellow Hertz Arena, with the result that a much milder paint scheme was implemented. The design standards established by Engage Estero (then the ECCL) before Coconut Point Mall was built set the stage for a cohesive and beautiful community.

Our Work

Engage Estero’s established contact list of thousands of residents can quickly mobilize the public when time is of the essence. Our publications, including the Estero Development Report and regular growth statistics provide residents with high quality research on the direction of growth in Estero.

Our Impact – Governance

Engage Estero was directly responsible for the development and institution of the Estero Village government. The Boards run by the ECCL (now Engage Estero) prior to Village formation led to a smooth transition to municipal government, and Engage Estero provided initial services to the Village while it concluded formation.

Our Work

Proactively preventing the City of Bonita Springs from annexing crucial Estero property provided for a cohesive community and kept tax dollars in our own community.

Our Impact – Transportation

Transportation planning involvement resulting in more than doubling north-south arterial lanes in Estero. Support for enhanced bicycle and pedestrian access resulted in the Village Bike-Ped Plan.

Our Work

Engage Estero’s Transportation Committee participates in and monitors the planning that often takes place a decade ahead of time to ensure funding is provided when infrastructure improvements are needed. We notify the public of important input opportunities, and represent our communities at important planning events.


Our Impact – Parks & Public Spaces

Engage Estero supported the expansion of Koreshan State Historic Park, the purchase of the Estero River property, and the establishment of the Estero Community Park.

Our Work

Engage Estero informs residents of opportunities and threats to public spaces in the Village and mobilizes residents when important decisions are made.

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Protect Your Voice

Engage Estero provides action alerts, community news, and regular reports on issues affecting the quality of life in the greater Estero area. Sign up to be on the list.