In the 2019 ECCL survey completed by residents in Greater Estero, many indicated their interest in having more concerts and theatre performances in our area. There was also considerable support for building a Multi-Purpose Community Theatre.
Since the survey was published, we have seen the establishment of Gulfshore Opera in Estero, which has an excellent program of events for 2022. In addition, The Bower School of Music and the Arts at FGCU, which celebrates its’ 15th Anniversary this year, has a state-of-the-art concert venue that offers a wide range of music and plays for 2022.
In this report, read about the achievements of their students in the accompanying article and go to FGCU’s 25th Anniversary Day of Events being held on February 12.
For many years, the ECCL has provided considerable support for our teachers and local schools. In this GECR we detail the upcoming Essay Competition open to students in Greater Estero.
Enhancing the range of cultural events and supporting our schools and teachers is an essential part of helping to make the greater Estero area the best place to visit, live, work and play!