Dr. Slider is a Professor Emeritus in Interdisciplinary Global Studies, Department of Government and International Affairs. He is an authority on Russian regional politics and President Vladimir Putin. An American Sovietologist, Dr. Slider has done extensive research on Russian Politics, Politics of Georgia and other former Soviet Republics, Comparative Federalism, and Regional Politics.
Dr. Slider is a Professor Emeritus in Interdisciplinary Global Studies, Department of Government and International Affairs. He is an authority on Russian regional politics and President Vladimir Putin. An American Sovietologist, Dr. Slider has done extensive research on Russian Politics, Politics of Georgia and other former Soviet Republics, Comparative Federalism, and Regional Politics.
Enjoy storytime at home or on the go with Storytime Anytime! This is a condensed version of the in-person library storytimes and includes a variety of songs, stories, rhymes and caregiver tips designed to promote and reinforce early literacy and language development.
Learn how to repair credit, overcome barriers to rental housing, create a plan to obtain stable housing, and earn a Ready to Rent Certificate of Completion. Classes run March 31st - May 5, 2021.
The April 9, 2021 Meeting of the ECCL is Cancelled Estero Village Vice Mayor Jon McLain’s wife, Mary, passed away this past Saturday after a lengthy illness. In showing respect to Jon and his family, we are canceling the ECCL membership meeting on Friday, April 9, 2021.
These are frequent visitors to trash cans, bird feeders, outdoor pet food bowls, and landscaping ponds. You might catch a glance of them on a CREW trail, but you have a much better chance of catching them on your neighborhood street or even in your backyard with a trail camera.
Spend a few moments of your time and save the live of another person. Your donation through the Lee Health Blood Center will stay in Lee County and benefit local residents and visitors in need. RSVP to 239-468-0050.
Enjoy storytime at home or on the go with Storytime Anytime! This is a condensed version of the in-person library storytimes and includes a variety of songs, stories, rhymes and caregiver tips designed to promote and reinforce early literacy and language development.
Join a park naturalist for a leisurely walk on the beach of Lovers Key and learn the basics of how to identify the birds you see along the way. You'll also pick up tips on other birding sites in the park.
Learn how to repair credit, overcome barriers to rental housing, create a plan to obtain stable housing, and earn a Ready to Rent Certificate of Completion. Classes run March 31st - May 5, 2021.