An online survey was conducted in the latter part of 2019 generating almost 600 responses (from who provided their email addresses to keep in touch with the activities of the ECCL) from over 40 neighborhoods in the area. 58% of respondents were males and 42% female, with almost 2/3rds having lived in the locality for 11 years or more (41% for over 15 years). Although a lower response than we would have liked, it still provides very valuable feedback and will be an important source of information for the ECCL management team as we address our future priorities.
Most (over 90%) receive their ECCL information via email updates and the majority (80%) felt this was the best way of obtaining such information, although there was interest in communications being made via social media too.
Most understood and seemed aware of the ECCL’s main aims relating to:
- Being kept informed of issues threatening our quality of life
- Protection and preservation of water, wetlands, wildlife and wilderness
- Maintaining the appearance of building development according to agreed community design plans
- Improving transportation and planning for safe roadways, walking/biking trails and multi -use paths
Looking to the future, residents felt the ECCL should focus their advocacy efforts on:
- The Environment (A clear winner)
- Community Development
- Health and Healthcare
- Transportation.
There was little interest in more large box stores being built, or commercial business development, Olympic Swimming Pool, or an Arts and Craft center. Many added comments such as:
“Limit building so as to not over-burden the infrastructure.”
“Control growth and prevent overbuilding”
“Stop building apartment buildings…we have enough MDU’s”
But from a list of possible future developments that might be considered, the highest level of interest was for a Performing Arts Center.
The most important issue that residents felt the ECCL should focus on in the future was the “environment” (79% put this as their 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice).
73% agreed with the idea of using funds to enhance landscaping on Estero major roadways.
79% approved of expanding the arts, recreation and entertainment offerings in the area with most interest focused on:
- Enhancing access Estero river for walking, fishing, boating (58%)
- Marina Access to Estero Bay for boating, paddle boarding etc. (52%)
- Shakespeare in the park + other open-air-plays (43%)
- A “Taste of Estero” (33%)
Thank you to all those who took part in the survey and we hope we can count on your continued support and interest in the activities of the ECCL as we move forward.