On March 26th Commissioner Kiker visited the Corkscrew Shores gated community to speak on plans for Corkscrew Road.

Commissioner Kiker acknowledged the concerns residents have for worsening traffic, both cars and trucks on Corkscrew Road.

Commissioner Kiker assured those in attendance that work had already begun to address the concerns they have about traffic coming from the new communities under development and in the approval process along this heavily used corridor.

Commissioner Kiker went on to explain that planned improvements will go far beyond just four laning, starting at Alico and going west. The road is going to get a total makeover using the “Complete Streets” concepts including landscaping, bicycle paths sidewalks and storm water management.

“Money is not a problem” explained Commissioner Kiker. He went on to discuss some of the funding sources that will help pay the improvements.

Gas Tax, is a major source of funds for road projects in the county.

Excess Tolls, this revenue source was mentioned, but Commissioner Kiker went on to explain that these funds must be spent for improvements near and around toll bridge entrances and would not be available to the Corkscrew Road project.

Impact Fees, money collected from new developments to contribute to road improvements, schools, fire services, EMS and parks.

Growth Increment Funding, this revenue source is a redirection of first year property taxes from new developments and rescale for existing properties.

Proportionate Share Payments, regarding Corkscrew Road these payments are being established as part of the Environmental Enhancement and Preservation Overlay Study. Commissioner Kiker said the Commissioners are considering a charge of $1,500 per unit.

Commissioner Kiker acknowledged that the current county Capital Improvement Program did not contain the Corkscrew Road improvements as a funded project, he went on to commit that he will introduce the Corkscrew Road improvement project to the Commissioners for inclusion in the up-date to the county Capital Improvement Plan scheduled for completion by years end.

During the Q/A portion of the discussion a resident asked if action could be taken to stop the heavy trucks from using Corkscrew Road. Commissioner Kiker explained that Corkscrew Road is a public road and restricting who can use it is not possible.

Bob King

ECCL Transportation Director