pedestrian and bicycle safety

Cyclist safety is a huge issue in Estero, as multiple deaths have occurred in recent years. The Village is working on a master plan for pedestrians and cyclists, but until those plans are all completed, there are habits that drivers can develop to keep everyone safe.

Ten Tips for Drivers:

  1. Appreciate Bicyclist Vulnerability
  2. Know Bicyclist’s Rights
  3. Adjust that Attitude
  4. Consider the Benefits of Bicycling — for Drivers
  5. Spare Them the Right Hook
  6. Beware the Left Turn
  7. Give Cyclists 3 Feet of Clearance
  8. Look Around – but not at your phone
  9. Look before you Exit your car
  10. Accept that Cyclists are Here to Stay

Read the full article for drivers at:

Ten Tips for Cyclists:

  1. Inspect Your Ride
  2. Follow the Rules of the Road – all of them
  3. Think of Yourself as Invisible
  4. Be Predictable
  5. Be aware of common hazards
  6. Don’t Assume you’re in a Bike Friendly neighborhood
  7. Disengage from the rage
  8. Let Bygones by Bygones
  9. Keep your Rights in Perspective
  10. Be a Goodwill Ambassador for Bicycling

Read the full article for cyclists at: