
Engage Estero



What We Are

An all-volunteer, nonpolitical, nonprofit community engagement association.

Why We Exist

To inform citizens of significant community issues and encourage citizen engagement to favorably impact the quality of life in greater Estero.

What We Do

We listen to citizens, evaluate government plans and local activities, encourage transparency, and communicate informed and collective opinions to citizens and community decision-makers to build trust.

We provide government and community decision-makers with expertise, information, and insight to promote balanced information.

We conduct research and communicate findings, surface opportunities, challenge threats to energize citizen engagement and collaborate with other nonprofits to strengthen our voices and increase favorable outcomes.

Why is What We Do Important

Engage Estero is the only organized and experienced volunteer group currently working to assure a high quality of life in greater Estero. We actively promote protecting our water and environment, improving community health, increasing public safety and transportation, and improving education. Moreover, we communicate with more than 30,000 greater Estero citizens through traditional and social media. 

To What Do We Aspire?

We inform greater Estero citizens of significant issues needing attention and encourage engagement. What we do reflects our aspiration to have an informed and engaged citizenry, resulting in a community that delivers the desired quality of life.

Communities & Organizations

Estero residents


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Protect Your Voice

Engage Estero provides action alerts, community news, and regular reports on issues affecting the quality of life in the greater Estero area. Sign up to be on the list.