EDRs Articles

Feature: The future is bright in Estero

Estero’s Shopping Centers Are Alive and Well Over the last several years, the national retail pendulum has swung precariously toward e-commerce and away from traditional brick-and-mortar shopping. In fact, The Atlantic reported last year that from 2010 through 2016,...
Feature: Estero Residential Construction Booming

Feature: Estero Residential Construction Booming

You have no doubt noticed construction is booming again. To keep you abreast of the latest developments, the ECCL is including a series of EDR articles on these new developments. Last month’s EDR included an article on construction of senior living facilities and...

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Feature: Estero Senior and Rental Housing Booming

Feature: Estero Senior and Rental Housing Booming

Construction in Estero is booming again. New residential and commercial construction developments are underway.  And many more are in the planning process.  The next several editions of the EDR will include information on these developments, both those under...

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Signs in Estero

Signs in Estero

Basic Guidance for the Legal Use of Signs in Estero from the Estero Council of Community Leaders (ECCL) August 2014 This document is designed to provide citizen education and awareness.  It summarizes often-complex provisions and thus is not intended as, and cannot be...

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