Corkscrew Road Corkscrew Road Widening – Ben Hill Griffin to East side of Bella Terra The road widening and related utilities movement, Lee Department of Transport’s (LDOT’s) contractor, nears completion with Phase 1 (from Ben Hill Griffin Pkwy. to Bella Terra Blvd.)....
Feature Articles

FEATURE: Which Way will the Tide Turn?
Estero residents weigh in on Estero Bay waterway access The Weeks Fish Camp, which was located just off Coconut Road...

Feature: Economic Development Effort launches in the Village of Estero
Since its inception, the Village of Estero’s leadership has embraced the spirit of collaboration with its community...

Feature: Excellence in Education
The Village of Estero and Lee County Schools create gold star collaboration Embracing the philosophy that education is...
Feature: Estero Economic Excellence Outreach Council Part II: Village Center Development and Implementation
In December, the Estero Economic Excellence Outreach Council (EEEOC) held its second organizational meeting with special guest Dr. Mike Martin, president of Florida Gulf Coast University at FGCU’s Emerging Technology Center. Discussion centered on recruiting...
Feature: Developments Currently Under Review by the Village of Estero
The Village of Estero is currently considering 17 applications from developers seeking rezoning or development orders to start building. The process typically begins with a presentation to the Planning and Zoning Board (PZB), unless a development has already received...
Feature: Now Under Construction: Developments Currently Underway in Estero
Estero is rapidly approaching “build out” with approximately 400 acres of vacant land left to be developed of the total 17,000 acres in the Village of Estero. Currently, Estero has 17 projects under construction. Another handful of developments are making their way...
Feature: The History of Housing in Estero: 2000-2016
The Village of Estero had about 22,403 residences at the end of 2016. Here’s a look at the history and demographics of housing in Estero. Prologue In 1997, the Estero Fire District conducted a survey of all structures in Estero and found about 4,600 housing units of...
Feature: Rental Housing is Booming in Estero
In 2012 Richard Hunt, the ECCL’s real estate market research consultant, found that Estero had a shortage of both rental and senior housing. During the housing boom of the early 2000’s Estero rental-only housing was converted to condominiums. Almost immediately after...
Feature: A Banner Year for New Business Openings in Estero
In 2015 more new commercial properties were placed in service in Estero than in any year since 2007. While Hertz and Walmart received the most attention, other commercial businesses opened their doors for the first time last year as well. The new properties added...
Feature: Estero Residential Construction Booming
You have no doubt noticed construction is booming again. To keep you abreast of the latest developments, the ECCL is including a series of EDR articles on these new developments. Last month’s EDR included an article on construction of senior living facilities and...
Feature: Estero Senior and Rental Housing Booming
Construction in Estero is booming again. New residential and commercial construction developments are underway. And many more are in the planning process. The next several editions of the EDR will include information on these developments, both those under...